Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Book Problem

I want to start this post by apologizing for the poor photo quality.  Apparently I was having a blurry picture day yesterday.  I think it's time to admit to myself that I need to start wearing my glasses when I take photos, but I find it so awkward.  What about you?  Do you wear your glasses when taking photos?

So, I am here today to confess my book addiction.  I have stacks of books everywhere.

I have books about diet and cooking.

Books to read with future plans in mind.

Books to help me grow my business.

Books that inform my art.

You know those lists of "most important books to read before you die"?  I have pulled together all the ones I could find in our possession, in hopes that I will get around to reading or re-reading them.

I have books that I sit things on.

I have too many books that I've begun and then gotten distracted by something else and so wandered off.
Let's not even talk about the magazines!

And there are new books that have suddenly showed up!  In my favor, I did walk right past the bookstore today without going in.  I was on my way to the library;)

What are you reading?


  1. Your photos look great (as usual)!
    I love looking at people's bookshelves, and it looks like you have quite a collection! We have a rule now (mostly because my husband has a book problem), no new bookshelves. So if there is no room on the shelves, you have to donate a book before you can buy a new one. It works most of the time but I still find books in odd places occasionally.

    Right now I'm reading the Real Downton Abby by the countess who lives in the castle where they film Downton!

  2. I love how you have incorporated books into your home's design. I am a die-hard kindle user and, thus, my collection of actual books is really limited... you are making me want to hit the local book store.

  3. @Tess, I love looking at people's bookshelves too, to see if we have any of the same books, and to see if there is something I might be interested in:)

    @Suzi, my husband loves his kindle and keeps trying to convert me, but I love the tactile element of the physical book, not to mention sticking my nose in the pages and inhaling!
