Monday, June 13, 2011

My Eyelid is Twitching

My son has a very different relationship to time than I do.  Me, I like to panic and freak out if things don't go according to schedule.  DH would attribute this to what he calls my "gold" personality.  My son is supposed to be on a plane right now.  A plane that is leaving Denver in 15 minutes to arrive here in Salt Lake City this afternoon.  When he text messaged me a minute ago he wasn't quite there yet.  He's in the airport.  Somewhere.  My eye is twitching.  I'm having trouble breathing, and my heart is beating more rapidly than it should.  



Will any of this work?  Will it get him on that plane before the gates close?

Riinnngggg....  Just a minute.

It's seems they gave his seat away (for not showing up on time!!)  and bumped him to the next flight.  But! He is safely in the airport, not likely to miss the next one.  And now what do I do to work off my frustration?  I could eat this plate of cookies I just made him.  No.  Dust?  That's a good idea.  Pull weeds would be an even better idea.  And finish my laundry.  This is what I'll do.

I'm going to take the week off from blogging to spend time with my son.  I haven't seen him in a year and a half.  I have to figure out how to keep him here:) 

Have a great week!  I'll be back next Monday to share my adventures!



    Hope you have a very fine time with him, when he gets there!


  2. Wow! Have fun :). Hope he gets there safe and sound!

  3. Oh, I am glad to know that someone else's eyelid starts twitching....

    I am not very good with time.

    Never have been.

    I tend to lose track of it and then when I find it again and see that I am late, I rush around like a wild woman.

    I hate that.

    ENJOY your time with your son!!!

    And I vote for eating the cookies.

    For sure, not the dusting.......
