Thursday, July 1, 2010

And it is Thursday...

I am really out of it today.  I'm sitting here playing around on the internet, reading facebook, looking at Flickr photos, blog hopping, and suddenly it occurs to me that, "oh! maybe I should right a blog post."  Um duh.

I am going on vacation.  I know last week I mentioned that I was leaving "in a couple weeks."   Yeah, I have trouble with that whole concept of time thing.  We're leaving Saturday.  I have so much to do before then!  I have laundry to finish and suitcases to pack, a refrigerator to stock with chocolate and beer for our house/cat/garden sitter, some sewing I need to finish, errands to run.  Oh dear.  And I am absolutely exhausted after doing my "cleaning lady job" (read that with a sneer) today.  I think that I can manage a load of laundry - no folding! no putting on hangers! - and some hand stitching on a shirt I'm finishing up for DH.

So this means that I will be absent from my blog for the next week and a couple days.  I'll be back to blogging on Monday July 12.

Before I go, I'll leave you with a couple photos.  It is Summer Colour Week over at Poppytalk, so I've been playing along.  I love these photo games, challenges, what-have-you, because it helps me with my learning.  I have a prompt, in this case colors, and I have to try to express that in a lovely photo.  Today is red and white day, and I just have nothing.  But here are my green, yellow and blue attempts.

darning needle
I love his eyes!  Aren't they amazing?  I think I've posted this picture before.  Oh well, he's cute.

I discovered this in my yard, Hypernicum or St. John's Wort.  This will be a future Friday's Herbal.

daisies in a blue jar
Have I ever mentioned my fascination with blue ball jars?  Or any old jar with flowers in it!

forget me not
This is a forget-me-not, found on my hike Monday.

Have a fantastic week, and if you're in the US, a great Fourth of July filled with lots of fireworks, family picnics, BBQs, swimming, and anything else you like to do!  I hope you have all that stuff no matter where you are!  And I will take lots of pictures of cornfields to show you when I get back;)

OK, now where did I put that needle and thread?


  1. one of ;my fave flowers forget me not s .have fun on vacation and take care .

  2. Where do I sign up to be your house/cat/garden sitter????

    Most excellent photos!

    Enjoy your trip and be safe!

  3. such lovely photos ... great light! :)
