Do you ever just shut down? That is apparently what I'm doing today. According to my blog calendar, I had planned to blog from the garden today. Instead, I'm sitting here in the dark, like a slug on a log, watching it rain....
and remembering the fun times with this sweetie last summer....
and dreaming of what my garden will soon look like soon...
and squandering a lot of time playing here, here, and here:)
I don't particularly like being completely controlled by the weather, and I am hoping that something will come along and light a fire under my butt today, but for now I think I'll just go read some blogs.
Have a very lovely weekend:)
I know the feeling. I think last week was just sort of a bad week. I was pretty moody and had such a hard time DOing anything. Sometimes it's worth fighting a mood, sometimes it's just better to ride it out. I think that like with physical illness, sometimes if you're feeling bad, you need to listen to that and give yourself a rest. Being a slug can be a good thing. :)