Friday, November 9, 2012

Musing on a Snowy Day

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Winter is making its presence known here in Utah.  I'm in a weird place, partly still in denial, the other part ready to embrace the season of hibernation.

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I'm thinking about what I want in my life.  I started the year wanting to focus on bringing grace into my life.  Now the year is amazingly almost over; I'm still thinking about grace.  It can be so easy to get lost in the hubbub of the day and forget to be present in the moment and find the quiet center.

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I've been doing a lot of extra journaling these days and I'm learning things about myself, like why I get so nostalgic at Christmas-time; it has nothing to do with Christmas, but it has made me want to pull out the Christmas decorations.  I am trying to honor the season by focusing on one holiday at a time:)

november 9 2012
My neighbors are bound to think I'm a crazy person.  This is the scene from my studio window, where I start each morning with my journal.  I am often distracted by weather and those beautiful leaves on the neighbors' house.  So of course I have to pull out my camera.  In the space just to the right of that star you can barely make out their kitchen window.  I hope they don't think I'm trying to invade their privacy!

I see by the clock that this day has disappeared from me.  I should get my fingers crocheting:)

I hope you all have a lovely, warm and cozy weekend planned.  See you Monday!


  1. Gorgeous photos! I can see why you'd get distracted by all the beauty around you.

    We had our first snow at the end of October, but since then it has gone back to being fall. I'm looking forward to the return of the snow.

  2. Thanks Julie! I'm still jealous;)

  3. I love the squash in the glass pumpkin! Mostly I just love how clean it looks :) We started this year trying to simplify, and we're going to end trying to KEEP it simple! Man, it's a long hard process!
