Tuesday, November 15, 2011


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I am having a very quiet and undemanding day today, and enjoying it quite a lot!  I started preparing some cards to do mini mixed media art.  I'm thinking I might make this into a little tutorial.  What do you think?  Anyway, I sanded.....

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and I gessoed, and left to dry.  Then I spent my afternoon chatting on Craft Social; have you heard of this?  You have to try it.  It's so much fun and it gives you a great excuse to sit still and drink tea for a couple hours while you chat on line with other crafters!

So do you want to see what was in my surprise package yesterday?

goody box
A goody box from my sweet Lalie!  She knows just how to make me squeal with delight:)

Now go see Leah's pretty mermaid:)


  1. Yay for quiet days! I just took an hour walk- the sunshine and leaves are gorgeous today :)

  2. Yes, go ahead and do the full tutorial...will it be a little every day? Love surprises and yours is vey squeal worthy:)
    Gwen xx

  3. Some gorgeous colors in that goody box! I look forward to seeing the finished version of your mixed media cards :)

  4. I haven't heard of craft social before, thanks for sharing - I would love to give it a try next time around.

    Can't wait to see what comes about with those cards. It's a good idea, I really should prep something for myself as well.

  5. Can't wait to see what you do next with the cards! Thanks for the mini tutorial.

  6. sounds like a great day and can't wait to see what the cards become... loving visiting xx
