Monday, November 14, 2011

AEDM 14 - A Surprise

My creative space today included some wool and more wool, a big crochet hook and a drop spindle.  That is all I can say, because it's top secret.  And no guessing!  I'll tell you later.

I feel like I'm starting to get into a good rhythm, balancing my to-dos with creating, and making sure that I get some creative playtime in there too.  I've been having so much fun playing in my studio these past few days!  I have also spent a good amount of time chastising myself for all of the jars of acrylic medium and such that I've discovered dried up, because I ignored them these past months in favor of a crochet hook.  That's what happens to paint and people.  If they don't get right attention, they dry up and get hard. 

Well the mail man just brought me a package!  I'm going to go open it now and see what is inside:)

Be sure to click on over to AEDM to see what everyone else is up to!


  1. Oooh...I think I know what this is, can't wait to see the finished product! (I need to send you my friend's fiber blog- she's a weaver, spinner, and knitter...and probably crochet. Oh, and she quilts....!)

  2. Here she is, found it :) I grew up with her husband!

  3. Love, love, love your birds from the last post!! As for this project - intriguing!!
    Loved your comment on my blog - at least pastels don't dry up!! Mine are over 40 years old! lol

  4. LOL! Your quote made me laugh so much - "That's what happens to paint and people. If they don't get right attention, they dry up and get hard."

    It's so funny, sad, true and silly at the same time :P Looks like you've got a hat that it?!?

  5. The paint and people passage was perfect and I love getting packages... bit silly cause I always know what is in them but it is exciting anyway... can't wait for you to stop teasing and reveal what is in store!!!
