Wednesday, August 4, 2010

On Rain and Other Random Musings

I need a rainstorm.  It's not just that I want it to rain - I physically NEED, crave a thunderstorm, a downpour, deluge, gully washer.  When the clouds let loose and let the rain fall, I feel a release of tension myself.  There is a reason for this; when it rains, the air is filled with negative ions and those, so I am told, are mood boosters.

I thought it was going to rain this morning.  The sky got dark, there was even a bit of thunder and lightening, the wind blew.   Then the sun came out.  The sky is looking dark again over to the west, so I'm still hoping.  In the meanwhile, I will listen to this that I just found.

This is a song I like to listen to when I'm trying to make it rain.  It's the Subdudes "Rain".  The first time I ever heard this song, I was living in Colorado, and was making the drive home from work, between Fort Collins and Loveland.  It was the middle of summer and hadn't rained in ages.  Simultaneously this song came on the radio and drops of water started hitting the windshield.  It was one of those magical, "beautiful and ordinary" moments that stay with you forever.  Right now I'm listening to the Rain song at the same time as the rain website:)  Yeah, I'm weird I know.

penmanship practice
DH and I started a new project.  We're practicing our penmanship.  The red lines are his and the blue mine.  It was a lot harder than you would imagine.  We've learned that the posture and pen-holding techniques that we've acquired over the years are wrong and sloppy.  Sitting up straight, with your feet flat on the floor, holding your arm at a right angle to the page, and the pen holder pointing towards your right shoulder HURTS!  It did start to feel more natural as the evening progressed.  I'm betting I can't get him to do it again tonight;)


  1. Heh- I don't think I could even convince my husband to sit down to start such a task!

  2. The weather here has been playing with me the same way - it will get all dark and humid and high-pressury, but then the giant thunderstorm I want never appears. Hope you get one soon!

  3. oh, a good rain does sound SO good right now. Alas, there is none in sight here in Sacramento!
    I'm glad that fall and cooler weather and pretty colors are a'comin'.

  4. good job Bobbi--nice rainstorm just passed through my yard!!

  5. "Don't ya wanna rain dance with me?
    Don't ya wanna rain dance with me?
    Don't ya wanna rain dance with me?
    Don't ya wanna rain dance with me?"
