Friday, October 19, 2012

Flowers and Paint

flower still life_1
I haven't touched my oil paints in four years.  Back when my granddaughter was a newborn and living with us, I put them away so she wouldn't smell the fumes.  When they left, I never got the paints back out.

The paints have been popping into my mind lately; I've been somewhat afraid to look through the basket for fear that they would be dried up, hundreds of dollars worth of dried up; oil paints are expensive.

Yesterday, or probably in the middle of the previous night, while I was thinking about how I needed to start my next flower painting while I still have flowers, I was suddenly overwhelmed, obsessed, with the idea of doing this next painting in oils.  Once awake, as I cut and arranged the flowers, I knew I had to do it in oils.

Last night I set about preparing my ground, and sorting through the oil paints.  Thankfully, they seem to mostly be in good order!  I realized that I don't know where my palette is, and I've given away the nightstand that I used to use as a tabouret.  I've pulled another table up from the basement, found a usable palette, set up the still life.

Now it's time to start painting:)  In between cleaning the windows; today is my last opportunity to do that, as the weather is turning cold Sunday, and I'll be gone all day tomorrow.  I don't want to clean the windows; I want to paint.  On the other hand, I want as much light as possible coming through those windows as we go into the long dark winter.

Wish me luck!  Happy weekend to you!

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